People at ALPLA interview with Daniel Mirón

Daniel has been working in sales at ALPLA for over three years. In this People at ALPLA interview he tells us more about what he finds most interesting about his job, shares advice for new employees and reveals what it is he could not live without.
Name: Daniel Mirón
Location: Toluca, Mexico
Position: Key Account Sales Manager, Regional Sales
What do you do at ALPLA?
I am a Key Account Sales Manager and handle accounts that ALPLA has in my region. I basically am the commercial face of negotiations here in Mexico.
What does a typical day at work look like for you?
In sales there is nothing typical, except maybe for updating price lists and having negotiations about bottles, caps and preforms. But, in general, no day is like the other.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
One of the mentors I had when I was studying psychology and one of the first I was really following is Sigmund Freud. Although he is well known for being the father of psychoanalysis, his views about a human’s psychological strength have stuck with me. One of his lessons is ‘everything in this world is in your mind’, so if you are tackling a challenge, you need to study the situation, be conscious about it and then you will be able to master it in an easier way.
What do you find most interesting about working at ALPLA?
Every day is a challenge. No day is the same as the day before. You are always learning new things. My palms are sweaty every day because I don’t know what I will be dealing with. That is what I really like about what I do.
What is the most important device or tool for your work?
My laptop and my speech. I have all the information I need to deal with my tasks on my laptop. And I need to communicate well to find out and understand what the customer needs and wants.
What is the one thing you cannot live without?
My family. My wife and my son are everything to me.
Can you share a unique saying in your mother tongue?
There is a phrase that my parents always said to me when I was a child. ‘El sacrificio de hoy, es el éxito de mañana.’ Which basically means, the sacrifice you make today will be the success you’ll have tomorrow. So you have to put in a lot of effort every day to be a better person tomorrow.
What advice would you give to new employees?
Be patient. You always hear that patience is a virtue – and it is.
Name three things on your bucket list:
- Travel around the world with my family.
- Have a daughter.
- Get involved in environmental protection.
What’s your favourite line from a film?
Robin Williams was one of my favourite actors and Dead Poets Society is one of my favourite films. There is one line that is very aligned with the principle above mentioned which is ‘No matter what anybody tells you, words and ideas can change the world.’
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