People at ALPLA interview with Inke Botha

Inke works as a Process Engineer at ALPLA South Africa, formerly Boxmore Packaging. In this People at ALPLA interview we find out what kind of changes she has noticed since becoming part of ALPLA, who she would like to switch jobs with for a day and she weighs in on the chicken and egg debate.
Name: Inke Botha
Location: Somerset West, South Africa
Position: Process Engineer
What do you do at your job?
I am, together with our sales and projects team, the link between the customer and supplier. We see what the customer requires and how we can realise this and make a functional product. I coordinate projects whether for external customers or internal projects within the plants.
What do you find most interesting about your work?
You get to work with different people. What’s interesting is that you learn a lot about yourself because you have to learn to communicate and try to understand. I like to work with people – I’m a people person. There can be miscommunication, but that is the challenge that I like.
You get one more hour a day: what are you going to use it for?
I would use it to spend time outside in nature together with my husband (hiking, cycling, etc. ).
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
I would say the chicken, because the egg couldn’t have been hatched without a chicken.
Are there any changes you have noticed since Boxmore became part of ALPLA?
Yes, even though ALPLA is a family business, it is more corporate. So they have a bigger picture in mind. And what I really like is that ALPLA gives training to people and wants to make sure you are the best at your job. They like to share information internally and transfer knowledge from more experienced employees to new or younger employees to make sure the knowledge doesn’t get lost.
If Hollywood made a film about your life, who would you like to see cast as you?
Kate Winslet.
If you could switch jobs with someone for a day, who would it be?
The Queen of England. It would be interesting to see what a queen does every day. If it had to be more job-related, I would like to do work related to continuous improvement and lean manufacturing.
What is the most important device/tool for your work?
Actually, I do a lot of communicating so my telephone is my most important tool. People can sometimes interpret things in an email a little differently, but over the phone, I can be clearer.
What kind of music do you listen to in your car?
I like my golden oldies. Music from the ’60s, ’70s and ’80s. The Beatles, Bob Dylan, Bruce Springsteen …
What advice would you give to recent new employees?
Ask questions! And get involved as much as possible in order to broaden your Knowledge.
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