We speak with aVoice
If used correctly, plastic is the hidden climate champion. With the aVoice project, ALPLA is seeking to raise people’s awareness of using plastic responsibly as a valuable material and engage in conversation with people. Facts, arguments and the courage to engage in debate are playing their part in dispelling the myths surrounding PET and other plastics.

Few people are aware that the carbon footprint of a single-use PET bottle (1 litre of water) is one third less than that of a glass bottle. And even if the glass bottle is reusable, it performs only marginally better. A recyclate proportion of just 50 per cent is enough to make PET the most environmentally friendly solution. Lightweight plastics therefore play an important part in climate targets being achieved. What’s more, they are unbreakable and hygienic and are continuously being optimised. They nevertheless suffer from a bad image. ALPLA wishes to change this, assume responsibility and educate. And it wishes to do so honestly, confidently, based on facts and in all the regions around the world.
‘Raising awareness hinges on education. We are not interested in greenwashing and polemics – we want to convince people with honesty and practise our new understanding. This is precisely what aVoice stands for.’
ALPLA CEO Philipp Lehner
Topics and how they are communicated
Based on the idea of digital first, the communications needed for this very much revolve around online and social media activities. These have the advantage of allowing for very targeted and flexible work. Success is then also easily quantifiable. In the case of the global campaigns, the focus of aVoice is always the consumer. aVoice campaigns with different thematic approaches are being launched in more and more countries. Depending on the market and culture, other media channels are also used to generate the desired attention. But at all times, the overarching mission of aVoice is to give plastic packaging a voice.

#rePETujemy – a pioneering campaign in Poland
The #rePETujemy campaign was launched in Poland at the beginning of the year. The campaign caused quite a public stir and was viewed very critically. It did, however, allow us to engage with a large number of consumers and discuss plastic as a valuable material with them on equal terms. After all, the overarching idea of all the campaigns is to win people over with strong arguments and thereby raise awareness among the consumers.
Vida Circular – Mexico focusing on the circular economy
ALPLA is a recycling trailblazer in Mexico and operates a number of recycling plants there. Even so, there is still too little plastic being collected and recycled there. The purpose of Vida Circular is to raise people’s awareness of recycling and the circular economy. It also gives environmental activists and researchers a voice. The campaign focuses heavily on social media, where it has met with a lot of positive response.

Packaging advantages being highlighted in Austria
In Austria, the aVoice campaign looks at some focal topics. Among other things, TV commercials at the ALPLA headquarters in Vorarlberg and in the federal capital, Vienna, are being used to highlight the advantages of plastic packaging in the areas of food waste, functionality and recycling. A number of online campaigns are being run in the social networks to support this. Also, in particular media with very environmentally aware readers are being targeted for these topics. There is additionally a website and an Instagram account called Challenging Plastics which examine the prevailing myths surrounding plastic.
Italy announces a plastics transformation
In Italy, a campaign entitled ‘La plastica è cambiata. Cambia idea sulla plastica’ has been launched. The name says it all – roughly translated, the campaign is about changing people’s view of plastic. The campaign very much focuses on education founded on information.

Recyclable home page for Spain and Portugal
The campaign in Spain and Portugal takes a very unusual path. Here, a website was developed which is regularly completely recycled and redeveloped. The website features projects and companies that tackle sustainability and the circular economy in relation to plastic.
Further campaigns in the pipeline
aVoice is a global concept with new campaigns being developed in a variety of countries all the time, each tailored to the needs of the country in question. For example, campaigns will shortly be launched in Romania, Germany and Brazil.
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