People at ALPLA - Interview with Andia Hackett
As a Senior National Recruiting Specialist, Andia is focused on people and their needs. She enjoys the collaborative spirit at ALPLA and the broad spectrum of tasks that her role offers – from typical HR tasks like job interviews to employer-branding-focused tasks like creating job preview videos.

Name: Andia Hackett
Location: McDonough (USA)
Position: Senior National Recruiting Specialist
What do you find most interesting about working at ALPLA?
Just how much we touch the world – before I started at ALPLA, I never once thought about where the bottles that my products were housed in came from. I have a marketing background and have always been interested in packaging and how the product itself is presented to consumers. Our products are an additional component to that. I now find myself picking up products I purchase just to see if the little ‘A’ is there or if I can find out which competitor made it.
What is the favourite project you have worked on at ALPLA so far?
My favourite project thus far would be my very first project at ALPLA – creating a realistic job preview video. The purpose of creating this video was to show potential future employees what it is like to work at one of our manufacturing facilities here in North America. To date, it is being used as part of our onboarding process as well as in job postings online. Working on the script, finding talent, and being there during the filming was an exciting and unique experience. I also have a few cameo roles in the video, which was something I had not done previously. Overall, a fun, intense project that continues to add value to our hiring process.
Where is your favourite place on earth?
Plain and simple – the beach. One of my favourites is Maracas Bay in Trinidad. Being at the beach reminds me of how small we are in the grand scheme of things and always brings me peace and calm. Whenever I am feeling stressed and overwhelmed I try to escape to the beach, which is like my reset button – an island girl through and through :)
Can you share a unique saying in your mother tongue?
In my homeland (Trinidad and Tobago), our main language is English, but we do have a unique local dialect and accent as well as many colourful phrases. If I had to choose one to share, it would be, ‘one hand cah clap’, translated ‘one hand can’t clap’, which means sometimes you need to cooperate and collaborate with others to achieve a task or reach a common goal.
What gets you out of bed in the morning?
The thought of having to provide for myself, my family and my future gets me out of bed each day. I come from a small country and a single-parent household. My mother is someone I admire because of her sheer grit and determination and she has always worked hard to provide for me. I wouldn’t be in this country or even at ALPLA without her sacrifices, so being able to help her financially and spoil her is extremely gratifying to me.
What does a typical day at work look like for you?
There is no typical day for me here at ALPLA, which is one of the reasons why I love what I do. Being able to work on multiple types of tasks and projects while also travelling to recruiting events and conferences makes my days stimulating and interesting. Each day, I work on recruiting-focused tasks such as reviewing curricula vitae, phone interviews, college recruitment, and overall collaborating with department and HR managers to ensure we hire the best people for ALPLA in a timely manner.
If you could choose anyone, who would you pick as your mentor?
Michelle Obama – highly educated, well spoken, graceful, poised, a great sense of style – all things I wish to embody. With her life experience (not just as a former First Lady of the United States), her wisdom is unmatched and her mentorship would be invaluable.
Please describe ALPLA in your own three words/adjectives:
Innovative, diverse, collaborative
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