17th September 2024

SBTi approved ALPLA’s near-term climate targets

The approval of the ALPLA Group's near-term climate targets up to 2030 by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) shows that the ambitious plans to reduce greenhouse gas emissions meet the scientific requirements and are in line with the 1.5 °C target of the Paris Climate Agreement.

Graphics which shows, that the Science-based target of ALPLA is approved by the SBTi.

ALPLA has two important goals

The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has officially validated the ALPLA Group's near-term climate targets. Specifically, ALPLA has committed to reduce absolute Scope 2 greenhouse gas emissions resulting from ALPLA's energy consumption by 42 percent by 2030 compared to the base year 2021. In addition, Scope 3 greenhouse gas emissions resulting from purchased goods and services and from the processing of sold products are to be reduced by 51.6 percent per ton of purchased raw materials over the same period.

Six main measures 

To this end, ALPLA has defined six main measures that will support the achievement of the targets by 2030. These are energy efficiency (1) and switching to renewable electricity in cooperation with customers (2). Switching to PCR raw materials (3) and increasing our own recycling activities and other initiatives in line with the circular economy (4). In addition to expanding PET and HDPE recycling capacity, this includes efforts in the areas of lightweighting, design for recycling and reusable or bio-based solutions. Another key aspect is the proactive exchange with key suppliers (5), which started in 2024 to drive forward their sustainability journey, as well as active dialogue with customers who share the same sustainability values (6).

Picture approves that ALPLA is one out of 5000+ companies with Science-based targets.

Start of the cooperation in 2022

ALPLA committed to the SBTi in mid-2022 and signed the commitment letter. The next step was to update the greenhouse gas emissions data and develop targets that meet the requirements of the SBTi. Two targets were submitted in early 2024 and officially endorsed in August. The next step is to report progress annually in the Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) report.

The validation of the targets by the SBTi demonstrates ALPLA’s commitment to transparency and open communication with customers and partners on progress and commitment to a sustainable future.

What is the SBTi?

The SBTi is a collaboration between CDP, the United Nations Global Compact, the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). The SBTi defines and promotes best practice in science-based target setting and independently assesses companies’ targets.

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