Coronavirus Pandemic: ALPLA takes extensive measures
Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed customers and business partners!
The coronavirus pandemic which continues to spread is presenting us with some major challenges. The health and safety of our employees are ALPLA’s top priority. We are also currently making every effort to maintain our business relations and our production capabilities. We took the necessary steps at a very early stage, initially in China and subsequently also in all of our global organisation’s other regions as well as at our headquarters in Hard, Austria. We are continuously updating these on the basis of the recommendations of regional and international health authorities.
The measures we have introduced to curb the spread of the virus include:
- Extensive restrictions on air and rail travel
- Reduction of meetings within and outside of the company; avoidance of personal contact as far as possible, using electronic media to communicate instead
- A great many employees are working from home, including, as a precautionary measure, after returning from air and/or rail travel and from high-risk regions
- Personal hygiene measures at all factories and offices, disinfection plans for communal spaces, preventive protective measures for vulnerable groups
- Creation of crisis teams to manage and coordinate all activities
- Activation of pandemic plans and development of additional action and communication plans to guarantee supplies of:
+ Raw materials, colours, masterbatches, labels, etc.
+ Critical spare parts
+ Packaging materials
+ Demand and production planning
+ Finished products - Intensive and regular communication with all the employees regarding the measures implemented
Our plants around the world continue to produce insofar as this is possible and are permanently in close contact with the regional authorities.
We are asking our customers and business partners to coordinate with us closely and are also asking for their support. We would like to thank our employees for their outstanding endeavours and our customers, business partners and suppliers for the enormous trust they are placing in us.

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