ALPLA awards internal sustainability projects
At the third ALPLA Sustainability Award 2024, three outstanding internal projects in the areas of people, planet and profitability were honored out of 30 submissions. This time, first place went to an innovative bottle redesign that not only saves CO2 but also costs.

30 sustainable projects
30 sustainable projects in the areas of people, planet and economy were submitted by ALPLA employees for the third Sustainability Award 2024. The topics ranged from more efficient waste management, raising awareness of plastic as a recyclable material, CO2 reduction and zero pellet loss to the sustainable further development of existing products. Social projects that make a positive contribution to the community were also well represented.
'The ALPLA Sustainability Award impressively demonstrates what we can achieve together when innovation and responsibility go hand in hand. Each of the projects submitted is a step towards a more sustainable future - and the winning initiatives are inspiring examples of how we can successfully combine environmental, social and economic goals,’ says award initiator Linda Staib, Senior Sustainability Manager.
After a pre-selection by the Corporate Sustainability Team, the three-member jury chose the following projects:

First place: Redesign of the 'Wellenflasche', Austria
The winning project was a targeted optimization of the existing 'Wellenflasche' ('Wave bottle): an intelligent redesign reduced the weight of the bottle and made logistics more efficient. The weight was reduced by 4g (250ml) and 6g (500ml), resulting in a CO2 reduction of 43% and 35% per bottle respectively. In addition, optimized transport with more units per truck can save a total of 13,000 kg of CO2 per year. This also results in huge cost savings.
Second place: Education and Health Promotion for Disadvantaged Children, South Africa
This social project specifically supports disadvantaged children at the Hope House orphanage in Harrismith, South Africa, making a valuable contribution to the education and health care of the most vulnerable children. Specifically, the project will fund the schooling of four local children. It also pays for weekly visits to a doctor's surgery to ensure that all 22 children at Hope House have access to medical care.

Third place: Reducing Waste in Landfills, USA
This project shows how a comprehensive waste analysis and the implementation of sustainable solutions can lead to great progress. To reduce landfill waste in the USA, disposable towels and oil absorbent pads were replaced with reusable alternatives. After a successful pilot at McDonough, seven other sites followed suit. As a result, six percent less waste is being sent to landfill. In addition to avoiding 65 tons of CO2, costs have been reduced by 18 per cent.
With these and many other innovative ideas, ALPLA employees are helping to increase the company's competitiveness, optimize resource consumption and achieve its sustainability goals.
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